I found shooting in the rain completely challanging . . . this weekend it poured day and night without a break, I am actually surprised that the rain droplets didn't get captrued on the images! For this study session I asked my mom to take the pictures because it was almost impossible to find a solid ground for the tri-pod to hold on to. My mom held a big umbrella and balanced it with her elbow while holding the camera, at least we got that logistic system down.
Roxy is our family dog and she has a special place in my heart - she is a Lhasa Apso + Shih Tzu mix, but we would never know for sure, because she was a stray and we adopted her when she was only 6 months old. She is now 5 years old and fully grown up I miss her puppy days to no end. Although she was a handful, her chew marks are still to this day decorating many of our furnitures around the house. She is fully independent, loves to ride the car with windows rolled down, chasing after squirrels in the back yard and she is a talker! If you leave her by herself in the house for long or leave her without saying good bye, she will make sure you understand that she is unhappy with you when you get back home!
Roxy doens't like to pose for cameras, so for this session I set up the camera on a tripod. It works best for her when I shoot myself first and let her and I play around and engage with her later. Thats because after a while she will come towards me and this is when I can get her in the pictures. Frankly I know I need way more practice than I get shooting models and the clients when the time permits between my makeup gigs and graduate school homework, which is thankfully ending in a month. So for the next couple months I am planning to do more studies! Yesterday I packed up my camera bag, grabbed a tripod and my dog for a sunset walk. My dog always enjoys watching practice baseball games in our neighborhood park, however this particular day we did not find a soul at this field!
Of course my camera bag itself and my equipments always changes . . but for a while now this has been my set up.
Pictures below is what the outcome has turned out (Not in the picture is my trusty tripod that made it all possible) We get our rainy season in Texas at spring time. This year right at it hits us, I ran out the door with my camera in drizzling rain in order to capture some pictures of the pomegranate blossoms and flowers before it'd be washed out by rain.
I have recently been loving chokers . . .
For the entire wedding season I found myself wearing my 3 different sizes of black velvet chokers! I found that not only they are such a minimalistic accent matching most of my outfits, also there is no dangling danger of regular necklaces working close with the clients. As I was getting tired of my collection of velvet chokers I decided to venture out into more creative ideas and I am loving what I came up with . . . totally planning to make more in the future! I recently started experimenting with watercolor one of my favorite mediums . . What is so meaningful is the fact that as soon as I posted my art on social media it found a new home . . I hope this colorful galaxy gives joy to its new owner as much as it did to me creating it.